Asambleas Ciudadanos


the Citizens' Assembly in Europe


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Advances and perspectives of the European citizens’ process


How can we abandon current European blockages and endow Europe with a new soul? How can we move from a citizen vanguard to mass mobilization in favor of European construction? Matthieu Calame offers a panorama of the advances made by the European process and explores these two issues resorting to history and the imaginary: greatness and emotion, Snow White and the seven dwarves and methods’ renewal. 4 videos + access to media



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Citizens’ Movements in Europe : a new parliament, a new beginning ?

Matthieu Calame , 2 September 2009

In 2009, the election of the new, deeply renewed European Parliament –65% new parliamentarians- has allowed European civic networks to express what they expect of Europe much more precisely. What is missing in Europe is not precisely movements. On the contrary, these compete to exist, to lead, while they are still amazingly dispersed. Next year the European Assembly will have the chance to pull the different movements together and to make contact with new parliamentarians + read more


Elections and the future of Europe: debate and proposals

Francois Soulard , 23 May 2009

The elections of European representatives to be held at the beginning of June, 2009 is the chance to give winds to an unsteady Europe that is in search of support. The Future Generation Foundation, the Higher Studies Institute of Social Communications, EuroActiv and the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation have taken the initiative and started a debate about the proposals for the future of Europe. These are multi-thematic proposals launched by various sectors from society which are published on the blog : + read more




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Main 2009-2010 activities and dates for the European Assembly

Francois Soulard , 8 February 2009

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EU Elections of the 7th June 2009 : a realistic blog that demands the impossible

The blog Challenge for Europe is online since last May to stimulate a public debate, constructive and demanding on the future of the European Union. It joins together proposals resulting from very diverse sources from Europe or from the world.