Asambleas Ciudadanos




In this site, there will be different documents that provide the Citizens’ Assemblies with clarity of numerous aspects. This library of documents is available in three languages. It provides a substantial number of articles and other written contributions produced from an original vision which corresponds with the Citizens’ Assemblies. These are organized in three topics :
1. Relation between assemblies and dialogue of the facilitators
2. Methods and challenges of the assemblies
3. History and social construction of the assemblies



» Relation between assemblies and facilitators' dialogue

Progress report of the Citizens Assemblies - June 2011

Francois Soulard | Traductions : français . Español . français

This report provides the progress status as of June 2011 on the process of the regional citizens’ assemblies running from 2007-2008 in the five geo-cultural areas of Asia, Oceania, the Mediterranean, the Southern Cone of Latin America and the Sahel-Sahara. It is based primarily on the assessments made by each assembly coordination on the basis of a single interpretative framework, as well as some personal experiences, testimonials and reviews produced in the itinerary + lire la suite



» Assemblies' methods and challenges

Citizens from the Southern Cone at the 2011 World Social Forum: teachings, reflections, perspectives and commitments

Francois Soulard, Gustavo Marin, Ricardo Jimenez, Lucía Alvites | Translations : français . Español . English

A collective with friends from the Citizens Assembly of the Southern Cone was present, from February 1 to 12, 2011, in the activities developed during the World Social Forum in Dakar. We deem it important to systematize the very many and diverse debates, experiences and teachings back to an “us”, as converging Southern Cone residents, in order to make a contribution to this milestone so as to continue + read more



» Assemblies' history and social construction

Towards the 2010 Citizens' Assembly : the historical milestones of a journey

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . English . Español

"This Citizens’ Assembly idea is a notion of social grouping of people from different regions, overcoming borders, nationalism and those limits that constrain us… while looking for new horizons". Edited transcription of the video-interview to Gustavo Marín, from the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation for Human Progress, carried out during the meeting of Antofagasta in April 2007 + read more