Asambleas Ciudadanos



   » Relation between assemblies and facilitators' dialogue


Progress report of the Citizens Assemblies - June 2011

Francois Soulard | Traductions : français . Español . français

This report provides the progress status as of June 2011 on the process of the regional citizens’ assemblies running from 2007-2008 in the five geo-cultural areas of Asia, Oceania, the Mediterranean, the Southern Cone of Latin America and the Sahel-Sahara. It is based primarily on the assessments made by each assembly coordination on the basis of a single interpretative framework, as well as some personal experiences, testimonials and reviews produced in the itinerary + lire la suite


Report on the Citizens’ Coordinators’ meeting held in Paris in May 2010

Francois Soulard | Translations : français . Español . English

The meeting which gathered all the coordinators from the seven citizens’ assembly processes allowed for a tour of each of the assemblies which have taken place since 2008 and for the exchange of the various experiences as regards their actual implementation, as well as to nurture a transversal view on all of the initiatives. The report from this meeting calls for a detailed recollection of the interventions and exchanges (50 pages) + read more


The Citizens' Assemblies : working Paper for the First Meeting of Moderators for the Citizens' Assemblies in Paris – June 2008

Gustavo Marin | Translations : français . Español . English

The idea of organizing citizens’ assemblies is one of the most important outcomes of the World Assembly held in Lille (December 2001). The Citizens’ Assembly is a social process spread over time. They give particular importance to a specific methodology at two levels : preparation of a Citizens’ Agenda, and methodological experimentation for the various milieus and alliances + read more


Report on the first coordinators' meeting of the Citizens’ Assemblies in Paris - June 2008

Francois Soulard | Translations : Español . français . English

Under the patronage of the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation, on 18 - 19 June 2008 about twenty participants coming from all over the world met in Paris, to discuss their willingness to organize “regional citizens’ assemblies”. There were two days of debates and dialogue for sharing their objectives, questions and to interrogate each other about the profound sense of this type of initiative. They also had the opportunity to present an outline of their action programmes + read more